First Taste Friday

Okay, I never tried these on a Friday but I was trying to be witty. Today was one bomb day. Bomb as in terrible, not good. But I am still in high spirits! Surprisingly. I have decided to take two graduate courses this semester while working full-time. I am insane, I know. A lot of people are worried that I cannot handle but I am confident that I can. I plan to dedicate myself to it. Today was the class I was scared about but it ended up being a great class. I was scared only because I didn’t know if the material would be over my head or not…but I think I should do okay. The instructor seems great too.

Anyway, just a fore warning of possibly lesser posts in the next 2-3 months because of my work and course-load. I hope not though. Anyway! I tried a few limited time flavors of snacks recently and wanted to share my opinion.

140829-01How can I explain this Wasabi Ginger flavor? MSG Strong? It really does taste like you’re eating the old school uncooked crushed ramen coated with the MSG packet with a hint of wasabi. It’s not my cup of tea but many people like it!

140829-02I’ve been waiting for these to make their way over to Hawaii for a long time! Or more like, I’ve been wanting to get it for forever. How is it? To me, it tastes very coffee-ish. It’s interesting but once again, not a fan. Give me the regular oreos.